081 366 3375/0474950009
Auto Services and Key programming
We offer a wide variety of repair services such as engine repairs,suspension,transmision,auto diagnostic & key programming. We understand that in today’s fast pace environment of tight schedules and increased worries, the last thing you want to do is to be disapointed with your car (breakdown on your journey). Take your car to someone who cares; take it to Hav2 Auto Repairs. We would love to offer you a high-quality, professional vehicle repairing services . We are here to make sure you have a safer drive wherever you go.
Major & Minor Services
At Hav2 Auto Repairs our workshops are well-equipped to perform major & minor service on your vehicle. With our combination of expertly trained technicians and we can guarantee we will be able to understand your problem and repair it. Because of these capabilities our workshop performs all major & minor services to any type of car at an affordable price.After we have done on service we can update service time with diagnostic tool
Engine Overhauls
An engine overhaul is an excellent option for engines that aren't old or excessively worn but are still experiencing issues. In many cases, an engine overhaul can effectively fix any issues with your engine and save you a significant amount of money over having your engine replaced completely.We Hav2 Auto Repairs have acces to factory service manuals to ensure we brought your car on its original factory state
Computerized Diagnostics
A car diagnostic test is a digital analysis of your car's various computer systems and components. ... Car diagnostic tests scan your car's components and systems to check for issues with components like the engine, transmission, sensors, throttle,ecu and many more
Auto Electrical Work
Our Workshops are equipped with the state of the art diagnostics equipment loaded with softwares for all cars.We repair your electrical issues without hassles.We guaranteed you on our fault finding on electrical where the problem starts
Suspension Repairs
Our vehicle’s suspension system (i.e., shocks or struts) is something we often take for granted. However, after supporting several tons of metal year after year, eventually the shocks will wear out and suspension repair will be necessary. Some people mistakenly believe the suspension is mainly about having a smooth ride, and therefore these repairs aren’t as important as other maintenance issues like oil changes or brakes. However, having a bad suspension can greatly affect your ability to control the vehicle, especially when stopping or turning, so it’s in your best interest not to ignore this part of your vehicle maintenance schedule.
Transmission Repairs
The gearbox is responsible for efficient driving. By changing gears, you ensure that the RPM’s (Revolutions per Minute) are kept low so that the engine is not overloaded and that fuel consumption is lowered. The transmission is responsible for converting both speed and momentum into power that then gets the entire car moving and its main aim is to make the engine as efficient as possible by reducing the amount of fuel consumption whilst getting the best amount of power.
Routine Maintanance
When it comes to vehicle ownership there is a certain level of responsibility that involves ensuring that your car gets the attention it needs to remain in safe and reliable condition. This is called maintenance. All cars and trucks require it, but what they require and when may differ based on your make and model. Follow your scheduled auto maintenance calendar to ensure your car gets all the services it needs so that you don't end up stranded on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck.
Engine overhauling
Cylinder head gasket replacement
Oil leaks
Timming belt/chain replacement
Engine misfires and poor perfomance
Fuel injection System
Replacing Shock Absorbers
Ball joints
Steering rack ends
Control arm bushes
Stabiliser Links
Replacing brake pads/disks
Replacing faulty components
Handbrake adjustment
Rear brake shoes
Bleeding System
Clutch kit replacement
Clutch system repair
Repair Manual Geabox
Dive shaft repairs
Diagnosing with a diagnostic tool
Fault finding
Clearing warning light on dash
Service warning light resert
Adaptation of some modules
Key cutting
Cut keys when all keys are lost
Spare keys
Repair ignition burrels
Repair door locks
We cut all types of keys
Key Programming
Key programming when all keys lost
Program spare key
Modules programming
Computer box programming
Airbag crush data repair
Module alignment
Major & Minor services
Minor service-oil and filters change
Major service-inspection fom bumper to bumper
Routine checks
Hav2 Auto Repairs & Key programming